Silver Dollar Wood Products LLC

Family Owned and operated since 1993!

About Us

Over 25 years of experience serving agricultural customers

We are a leader in the manufacturing and distribution of quality wood shavings and wood-filled erosion control wattles. We utilize environmentally friendly harvesting procedures to protect our forests from fire and unhealthy run-off by working closely with local forest agencies during harvesting. 

We look forward to doing business with you! Fill out a new customer form below to get started. 

Our Contributions

Companies/People We Serve!

Wood shavings make stall clean-up easy and they promote animal health by keeping feet dry. 

Our shavings are trusted by some of the largest zoos in the SW region of the US. Ask about their benefits today!

Run-off after fires or construction projects can be dangerous and hazardous to water health. Wattles can help!

Have a question? Contact us today!